Circular Concepts



The Circle

     A circle is a collection of all the points in a plane object, which are at a fixed distance from a fixed point in the plane.

Image of the Circle
The Circle

Image of the seed of life dividing a circle into 6 equal parts
The seed of life showing that all points of the circumference of a circle are at a fixed distance from its center


The circumference of a circle is its ‘perimeter’ or the measure of the total distance around a circle.

Image illustrating the circumference of a circle
The Circumference of the circle is the total distance around a circle

The Radius

A radius is the measure of distance from the center of a circular object to its outermost edge or boundary (a point on the circumference).

Image illustrating the radius of a circle
The radius of the circle is the distance from the center of a circle to its circumferences

radii in the seed of life
The radii of the circle from the seed of life

The Diameter

The diameter is the linear segment that passes through the center of a circle and its two end points both touch the circumference of that circle.

Image of the diameter of a circle
The diameter is the distance across the seed of life or through a circle


A semicircle is the is the shape formed by dividing the circle into two equal parts across its center using the diameter.

Image of a semi-circle
Dividing the seed of life into 2 creates a semicircle


A chord of a circle is a line segment whose endpoints both touch the circumference of a circle.

Image of the chord of a circle
The chord of a circle

Images of chords in a circle
Examples of Chords from the Fruit of Life

The arc

An arc is defined as a part or segment of the circumference of a circle. 

Image of the arc of a circle
A circular arc

Images of arcs in a circle
Examples of Arcs in the seed of life

Circular Sector

A sector is defined as a circular area that is enclosed by 2 radii and arc

Image of a circular sector
A circular Sector

Images of circular sectors
Circular Sectors in the seed  of life

Circular Segment

A circular segment is defined as the area of a circle that is enclosed by an arc and a chord.

Image of circular a segment
Circular Segment

Images of circular segments of a circle
Circular Segments  in the seed of life

The Concept of Pi

Based on GUSUMS pi is the default value of the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 1 and a radius of 0.5 as explained in the origins of the GUSUMS formula. This because in whatever unit or systems of measurement used, one will always get a circumference that is equal to pi if the diameter is 1.

Image illustrating radius,  diameter, and pi
The Default Values of pi from sacred geometry

The GUSUMS Formula for Calculating the Circumference of a Circle

Traditional, the circumference was calculated as pi times the diameter. The current value of pi to 15 decimal place is 3.14159265358979. Thus, the circumference of a circle is calculated as the diameter times 3.14159265358979. Thus, for a diameter of 1, the circumference will be 3.14159265358979.

The New Formula for Calculating the Circumference of a Circle

GUSUMS discovered a new formula for calculating the circumference of a circle. The GUSUMS formula for calculating the circumference of a circle is;

CIRCUMFERENCE = Diameter*3 + Diameter/7

The above formula shows that pi to 15 decimal places should actually be 3.14285714285714 and not 3.14159265358979 as previously thought. Thus, the GUSUMS formula shows that pi is exactly 22/7 and does not vary. This means that our current values based on the current pi is less by about 0.040249943%.

Origins of the GUSUMS formula

The GUSUMS formula was gotten using the same method that Archimedes used to identify the value. Archimedes identified the value of pi by circumscribing the circles around hexagons and identifying the relationship between the diameter of the hexagon and the circumference of the circle. GUSUMS also did the same but used the resources and knowledge that were not available before to improve on the value. Since the value of pi can be reduced to the circumference of a circle with a diameter of one, then the above circle can be used as an example to demonstrate the approach.

Origins of Diameter * 3

The perimeter of a hexagon is gotten by adding the distance of all sides of the hexagon. The distance of each side is equal to the radius. Thus, the perimeter of the hexagon will be the radius multiplied by 6 (0.5 * 6) since a hexagon is 6-sided. Thus, the perimeter of the hexagon will is equal to the diameter * 3 since the diameter is twice the circle.

The relationship between the diameter of the circle and perimeter of the hexagon
Origins of the Diameter multiplied 3 component of the GUSUMS formula

Origins of Diameter/7

However, the perimeter of the hexagon does not cover the total distance of the circle. Thus, the circumference of the circle should be the distance of the hexagon plus something else to get to the full circumference of the circle. Since we know that the perimeter of the hexagon is already the diameter*3 then what is remaining?

The relationship between the diameter of the circle and the its circumference

After studying several circumferences of the circles and the behaviors exhibited by the hexagon, GUSUMS noted that what remained was equal to a 1/7 of the diameter. This was further supported by GUSUMS identification and analysis of the base number of circular  and linear units. GUSUMS had shown that from 1 to 10 the only number missing from base numbers of linear units was 7. This implied it is circular. Through trial and error GUSUMS was able to show that indeed 7 was the base number of circular units and the missing component and hence the GUSUMS formula. So, the Circumference of a circle is equal to;


The GUSUMS formula for calculating the circumference of a circle
The GUSUMS formula for  calculating the circumference of a circle

 Link to the Book: The Gregorian Universal System and Units of Measurement System (GUSUMS): The Art of Mathematics

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