Link to the Book: The Gregorian Universal System and Units of Measurement System (GUSUMS): The Art of Mathematics

The GUSUMS approach is based on the idea that mathematics and metrology are based on the attributes, properties, divisions, and other elements of the circle and sacred geometry. The GUSUMS approach states that the circle is the basis of all creation and our current metrology systems such as the Metric and Imperial System are only a translation of these concepts to values and the mathematical language we use today as they can all be derived or originated from the circle and Sacred Geometry. However, GUSUMS also states that some of our translations are a misinterpretation of the original values as we have never understood or investigated their origin and thus falsely attempt to justify their values and explanations by working from the solutions to the answers instead of understanding the underlying concept. As a result, we base our metrology system on materials and objects when they should be based on a concept. In support of this, the GUSUMS approach provides evidence showing;

·         Why the Circle was Chosen as the Basis of Measurement

·         The Use of Circles in Ancient Civilizations

·         How the Metric and Imperial Systems Originated From the Circle.

·         How Time Measurements Originated From the Circle.

·         How Trigonometry Originated From the Circle.

·         How the Measures, Attributes, and Properties are Based on the Circle

·         The Circle in Human Body Measurement

·         The Circle in Physical Environment

·         The Circle as the Origin of Pi

·         The Circle as the Determinant of Linear and Circular Measurements


1. GUSUMS BASE NUMBER: A base number is a factor/value on which units in a particular system are converted or are based. For example, the base number of the metric system is 10 since when changing from millimeters, centimeters, Kilometers, Decameters, etc. involves multiplying or dividing one by a particular unit by 10, its multiples, and sub-multiples.

2. GUSUMS LINEAR VALUES: The measurement of the gap between two objects. Thus,  linear measurements are the distance traveled along the axis of the measurement and are based. Examples include length, width, height, or the distance between two points. Since the GUSUMS approach states that linear measurements are based on the circle, then their base numbers tend to be all the natural multiples of the circle. Using the number of  360 degrees, then the base number of linear values and units are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18,20, 24, 30, 36, 40, 45, 60, 72, 90, 120, 180,  & 360.

3. GUSUMS CIRCULAR VALUES & UNITS: Circular values are the measures of curved lengths and measurements. Examples include the circumference of a circle, the area of a circle, or the measurement of an arc. From the base numbers of linear measurements from 1-10, you can note that 7 is missing. The GUSUMS approach thus states that 7 is the first base number of circular measurements, units, and values.

4. GUSUMS PI: The GUSUMS approach states that pi is the value of the circumference of a circle with a diameter of 1 unit regardless of the unit. Thus, a circle with a diameter of 1km, 1cm, 1mile, 1 feet, 1 Ha etc. will always have a circumference that is equal to pi. The exact value of the GUSUMS Pi is 3.142857142857142857142...................and the pattern keeps 

5. GUSUMS LINEAR CIRCUMFERENCE: This the perimeter of a hexagon inscribed in a circle with a diameter of 1 or a circumference of pi. The perimeter of such a hexagon will always be 3. 

6. GUSUM CIRCUMFERENCE OF A CIRCLE: The GUSUMS formula for calculating the circumference of circle is not Pi multiplied by diameter. The actual formula is


Circumference of a circle  is Equal to (Diameter/7 + Diameter*3)


Now assuming that the diameter is one,

the circumference will be (1/7 + 1*3) which will be equal to 3.142857142 and that is the exact value of pi. According to GUSUM, Pi is not a factor but by product. In fact it is the 22 unit and it is only the 7 base number of 7 that makes it circular. Hence, we only manage to get accurate values of the circumference of the circle out of sheer luck because it is the circumference of a circle with a diameter of one and a number divided or multiplied by one result in the same number. Thus by to the 39 decimal place is not 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197 but just 3.142857142857142857142857142857142857142


7. GUSUMS CIRCULAR MULTIPLIER: The circular multiply is 1/7 or 0.142857142857.....Thus, the circumference of a circle is (D* circular multiplier/factor + D* linear circumference of a circle with a diameter of 1

 or just

D* 0.142857142857.......+ D*3



1.      The value of pi is exactly 22/7 or 3.142857142857142...........

2.      For all circles whose diameters are natural numbers and multiples of 7, their circumferences will always be whole numbers.

3.      For all other circles with diameters that are natural numbers and they are not divisible by 7, then the decimal places can only have the following values and in the exact order: 0.142857142, 0.285714285, 0.428571428, 0.571428571, 0.714285714, & 0.857142857. This means that;

·         The first decimal place can only start with 1,4,2, 8, 5 or 7.

·         1 must always be followed by 4

·         4 must always be followed by 2

·         2 must always be followed by 8,

·         8 must always be followed by 5

·         5 must always be followed by 7

·         7 must always be followed by 1

·         And the same pattern keeps repeating itself. 


 Note the values might not always appear starting from the first decimal place or the first unit of measurement as they can be present in smaller units e.g. by appearing in units of time instead of the seconds, minutes, or hours.




Ø  GUSUMS Hours: A GUSUMS week has exactly 1679617 sub-units of time in terms of hours or 167.9616 hours and not 168 hours as per our current values. This means that a day is exactly is23.9945142857142857142857 in accordance with the GUSUM pi rules.

Ø  GUSUMS Minutes: A GUSUMS week has exactly 10077696 sub-units of  time in minutes. Thus, a GUSUMS day has 1439.670857142857…..minutes and follows the same pattern of pi and not exactly 1440 minutes.

Ø  GUSUMS Seconds: A GUSUMS week has exactly 604800 sub-units of seconds. Thus, a GUSUM day has exactly  86380.25142857142857…. seconds since and it's circular and not the current linear value of 86400 which is a linear value.


Based on these, all circular measures tend to contain decimal places containing the repetitive values of pi and linear measures tend to have decimal places associated with the pi rules. This is because a day is circular since the measure is circular based on the rotation of the earth and not linear. Thus, by using 24 hours instead of the GUSUMS day of 23.99945142857...hours, our calendar years are exaggerated by approximately 0.08333333 days.


11. GUSUMS UNITS OF LENGTH: Contrary to the current conversion of imperial units to Metric units based on the belief that 1 inch is equal to 2.54cm, the GUSUMS inch is equal to exactly 2.5cm and not 2.54cm. This means that 1 GUSUMS mile is equal to 1.584 metric KM. Based on this, 1 GUSUMS KM is approximately 1.016 metric KM.


12. GUSUMS TIME AND LENGTH RELATIONSHIP: Based on the GUSUMS approach, units of time can also be used to identify the properties and objects of planetary objects. For example, the number of seconds in a day is approximately the diameter of the sun in miles and when converted in KM gives the value of the diameter of the sun in KM. This implies that the diameter of the sun is exactly 863,802.5142857142857 miles or 1,390,155.3942857142857 KM. The same process can be applied in identifying the aphelion, perihelion, and the distance from the sun of the other planets.


13. ALL MATHEMATICAL AND METROLOGY ARE BASED ON THE CIRCLE. We thus derived all our current systems from the circle. However, we forgot to recognize their origins which reduces their accuracy. Thus, all measurements are based on concepts and not objects.

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