The Origins of Trigonometry

Trigonometry is the study of triangles or triangular shapes. The Gregorian Universal System and Units of Measurement Systems (GUSUMS) provides illustrations that shows that trigonometry originated from the circle and sacred geometry. In doing so GUSUMS derived the various types of triangular shapes and their properties by combining the points of sacred geometrical circles such as the seed and the fruit of life where two or more circles intersected.

Equilateral Triangle

An equilateral triangle is a triangle whose sides and angles are equal. This means that each angle is 60 degrees.

Image of an Equilateral Triangle
An Equilateral Triangle derived by GUSUMS

A Right Angle Triangle

A right-angled triangle is a triangle in which one of its angle is 60 degrees.

Image of a right angle
A right angle triangle derived by GUSUMS from sacred geometry and the circle

An Obtuse Triangle

An obtuse triangle is a triangular shape in which one of its angle is greater than 90 degrees.

Image of an Obtuse Triangle
An obtuse triangle derived from the circle

Scalene Triangle

A scalene Triangle is a triangle in which all sides and angles are not equal.

Image of a scalene triangle
A scalene Triangle derived by GUSUMS from the circle

An Acute Triangle

An acute triangle is a triangular shape in which all angles are less than 90 degrees.

Image of an acute triangle
An acute triangle derived by GUSUMS from the circle and sacred geometry.

An Isosceles Triangle

An isosceles triangle is a triangular shape with 2 equal sides and angles.

Image of an isosceles triangle
An Isosceles triangle derived by GUSUMS from the circle

Other Triangular shapes

image of the Hexagram
The 6-pointed star/hexagram derived by GUSUMS from the Circle and Sacred Geometry

Link to the Book: 

The Gregorian Universal System and Units of Measurement System (GUSUMS): The Art of Mathematics

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